Sunday 20 August 2023

Luna 25

Luna 25, also known as Luna-Glob, is a lunar mission by the Russian space agency, Roscosmos. It is part of the Luna-Glob program, which aims to explore the Moon and conduct scientific investigations.
Luna 25 is the first Russian lander mission to the Moon since the Luna 24 mission in 1976. The primary objective of Luna 25 is to study the Moon's south pole region, specifically the Boguslavsky crater near the lunar south pole. This region is of particular interest because it is believed to contain water ice in permanently shadowed areas.

The mission involve a robotic lander that will touch down on the lunar surface. The lander will carry scientific instruments to conduct various experiments and investigations. Some of the specific goals of Luna 25 include studying the Moon's surface composition, characterizing the lunar regolith, and analyzing the presence of water ice.

Luna 25 is an important step in Russia's lunar exploration program, which aims to pave the way for future missions to the Moon, including crewed missions. The data and knowledge gained from Luna 25 will contribute to our understanding of the Moon's geology, resources, and potential for future human exploration and utilization.

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