Friday 15 March 2024

The danger triangle

This area is known as the danger triangle, and it is not advised to apply pressure or squeeze pimples in that area. Who knows the reason or explanation?

Let's find out what the death triangle or danger triangle in the face is.

It is the area that covers the corners of the mouth to the bridge of the nose, including the nose and the upper jaw. This area does not contain any valves because it relies on direct blood flow.

This area is filled with blood vessels that are connected to the veins of the entire face and directly linked to the bloodstream to the brain.

When pressure is applied to pimples or abscesses in this area, it can result in the tearing of blood vessels. There is a possibility that bacteria can enter the bloodstream, leading to inflammation in the brain.
There are some incorrect actions within the death triangle in the face.
For example, nose hair removal:
Many people remove nose hair without realizing that such actions can be very dangerous for them. Air enters the nose for breathing, and the function of nose hair is to filter and purify this air before it reaches the body.
When a person removes nose hair using tweezers or wax, they open the skin pores in the nose. As a result, it is possible for dangerous types of bacteria to enter these pores, which can ultimately reach the brain through the bloodstream.

It is recommended that if long nose hair causes discomfort, you should trim it rather than remove it, provided that the scissors you use are clean and sterilized.
Removing facial pimples:

Facial pimples can be bothersome for many people, and some may resort to manually squeezing or popping them. However, removing pimples in this manner leads to opening skin pores and causing small wounds. Through these wounds, filled with bacteria, it is possible for germs to reach the sinus cavities in the brain.


Although sinusitis is one of the most bothersome diseases, many people who suffer from it tend to neglect its severity. Severe sinusitis can potentially lead to death, paralysis, or even vision loss.
Therefore, it is important to seek the expertise of a specialized doctor to treat this serious condition that significantly affects brain function.
Caries in the upper jaw:

Caries in the upper jaw is considered one of the most dangerous conditions in the death triangle of the face. Tooth decay in the upper jaw can lead to gum infection, bacterial accumulation around the affected tooth, which makes the transfer of these bacteria to the brain a simple matter, resulting in serious consequences.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Why don't birds get shocked on power lines?

Birds generally do not get shocked when perched on power lines due to a few key reasons:
1. Lack of Complete Circuit: Birds are perched on a single power line, which is typically made of a conductor like aluminum or copper. Since they do not simultaneously touch another conductor or complete a circuit to the ground, they do not create a path for electricity to flow through them.

2. Insulated Feet: Birds have feet that are designed with specialized adaptations. They have thick layers of scales and skin, as well as an insulating layer of feathers, which serve as effective insulators. This insulating barrier prevents the electricity from reaching their bodies.

3. Minimal Contact: Birds usually touch the power line with only a small portion of their feet or body, reducing the chances of electricity passing through them. This limited contact area further prevents the electrical current from flowing through their bodies.

However, it's essential to note that if a bird were to touch two power lines simultaneously or come into contact with a power line and another conductor, such as a tree branch, it could create a path for electricity to flow and result in a shock. This is why birds should always exercise caution and avoid such situations near power lines to ensure their safety.

Tuesday 12 March 2024

A story of Platonic Love ( Urwa and Afraa)

A story of Platonic Love
This is a story from pre-Islam era. It tells a melancholic love story. It’s a story of love and sacrifice. The main characters are Urwa, Afraa (the woman he loves), and his uncle (Afraa’s father). This is one of the short stories that that tell about certain value.
Urwa lived with his uncle. Urwa and Afraa grew up together and loved each other since childhood. After many years, Urwa proposed to Afraa but he couldn’t meet Afraa’s father requests as he was poor.

Afraa’s father asked Urwa to travel abroad so that he could afford the money needed for Afraa’s dowry. Urwa traveled abroad and after a while he became very rich. He came back happily to his homeland because he got the money his uncle requested as a dowry.

Urwa daydreamed of a fairy tale of himself with Afraa. Unfortunately, his uncle told him that Afraa died, he took him to a grave and told Urwa that it was Afraa’s grave.

Urwa broke down and mourned over his lost love. Surprisingly, Urwa found out that Afraa was alive and she got married to an Umayyad man from the Levant who lived in the neighborhood. This man Saw Afraa, he fell in love with her, proposed to her, he got married Afraa forcefully and then they left to The Levant.

Urwa got mad at his uncle because he pushed him to travel and he falsified Afraa’s death. Urwa traveled to The Levant and he stayed as a guest at Afraa’s husband house. Afraa’s husband had no idea of the love story between Urwa and Afraa. He knew him as Afraa’s cousin. Afraa’s husband didn’t tell her of Urwa’s visit.

Urwa thought of a trick to tell Afraa about his visit so he threw his ring in the milk pot and he sent her the pot with one of the maids. Afraa identified the ring and she realized that the guest was Urwa; her cousin and first love.

The two lovers met after many years of separation and grieve. Having a good reception, Urwa returned home to keep Afraa’s name clean. Before his departure, Afraa gave him a scarf of her as a souvenir.

After his return, Urwa got very sick. He fainted many times and he developed pulmonary tuberculosis. Urwa wrote many poems in a memory of his lost love. Urwa hallucinated of Afraa while he was dying. Shortly, Urwa died of is grieve and disease. Afraa knew of Urwa’s death. She got sick and died after a short time of Urwa’s death.

Afraa was buried in a grave next to Urwa’s grave. Two beautiful trees grew up wrapping each other between the two graves. The trees fulfilled the lovers’ old dream of living together.

How will renewable energy sources dominate the energy market?

Renewable energy is revolutionizing the future of the energy market. With advancements in technology and growing environmental concerns, more emphasis is being placed on sustainable and clean sources of power. Solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal energy are reshaping our energy landscape, offering a greener and more sustainable future.

The decreasing costs of renewable energy technologies have made them increasingly competitive with traditional fossil fuels. Solar panels are becoming more efficient and affordable, wind turbines are more powerful and cost-effective, and hydro and geothermal power plants are harnessing the Earth's natural resources. This shift is driving the transition towards a cleaner and more diverse energy mix. 

Renewable energy sources provide numerous benefits beyond reducing carbon emissions. They offer energy independence, as they can be harnessed locally, reducing reliance on imported fuels. They also create job opportunities, stimulate economic growth, and improve energy security. The renewable energy sector is becoming a vital contributor to global economies. 
The scalability and versatility of renewable energy make it a game-changer in the energy market. Solar panels can be installed on residential rooftops, wind farms can be developed on land and offshore, and hydroelectric plants can be built on rivers and dams. This decentralized approach empowers individuals, communities, and businesses to become active participants in the energy transition.
As renewable energy continues to grow, it paves the way for a more sustainable and resilient future. It reduces greenhouse gas emissions, mitigates climate change, and helps combat air pollution. It also fosters innovation, encourages research and development, and drives technological advancements. The future energy market will be shaped by renewable energy, bringing us closer to a cleaner and brighter world.

Sunday 10 March 2024

Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction

There is a subject I have wanted to talk about for a while, but I haven't had the time to write a detailed explanation. It is the topic of using Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) in the treatment of erectile dysfunction through injection into the penis, also known as the P-Shot.
The procedure is not costly, and I do not expect it to exceed 1000 Egyptian pounds, including the cost of preparing PRP and the specialist who administers the injection.

Studies and results in this field are promising, as it completely resolves erectile dysfunction in a significant percentage of those who have undergone the treatment. Additionally, an increase in penis length has been observed in some individuals who have used it.

So far, there haven't been any concerning side effects, mostly just mild pain due to the injection process.

Preparing and processing the sample for injection is straightforward, similar to any other PRP preparation for injections. The method is well-known, and I believe most specialists in my field are fully proficient in it.

I hope that content creators in the medical field discuss this topic due to its significant benefits, despite its low cost. I also request that specialists in the treatment of erectile dysfunction pay attention to this promising treatment.

Furthermore, I urge internists to talk to patients with conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and others that are associated with erectile dysfunction about this treatment option.

Dr. Mahmoud Saad Hajji

Sunday 3 March 2024

What happens when the battery is connected to AC power?

When a battery is connected to AC (alternating current) power, several scenarios can occur depending on the type of battery and the specific circumstances. I'll provide a general overview, but it's important to note that different batteries and charging systems may have specific requirements and guidelines.l
1. Charging: Most rechargeable batteries, such as lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries used in smartphones or laptops, can be charged when connected to AC power. AC power is typically converted to DC (direct current) power through a charger or power adapter, which regulates the voltage and current to match the battery's requirements. The charging process replenishes the battery's energy stores, allowing it to be used later.

2. Overcharging Protection: Modern charging systems often incorporate protection mechanisms to prevent overcharging. These mechanisms monitor the battery's voltage and temperature, and once the battery reaches its optimal charge level, the charging process is automatically stopped or reduced to a trickle charge. This prevents excessive charging that could damage the battery or lead to safety risks.

3. AC-DC Conversion: If the battery is not designed to be charged or the AC power source is not compatible with the battery, connecting the battery to AC power directly may cause issues. The battery's internal chemistry and structure may not be suitable for charging, and the AC power could potentially damage the battery or cause it to malfunction.

4. External Devices: In some cases, batteries can be used to power external devices while being simultaneously charged. For example, power banks are portable batteries that can be charged using AC power and then used to charge smartphones or other devices. In this scenario, the battery acts as an intermediary power source, converting the AC power to DC and supplying it to the connected devices.

5. Safety Considerations: When dealing with batteries and AC power, it's crucial to follow safety guidelines and use approved chargers or power adapters. Using incompatible chargers or exposing batteries to improper voltage or current levels can lead to overheating, leakage, explosions, or other hazards. Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for proper charging procedures.

To summarize, the specific outcome of connecting a battery to AC power depends on the battery type, its charging capabilities, and the compatibility of the AC power source. Charging is the most common scenario, but precautions and adherence to guidelines are essential to ensure safe and effective charging processes.

Saturday 2 March 2024

Why are there red and green lights on ships, aircraft and even spacecraft?

Why are there red and green lights on ships, aircraft and even spacecraft?

The convention of using red lights to indicate the port side and green lights to indicate the starboard side comes from the maritime tradition, and very likely green was starboard because the safe side, being the steering side.

The red and green lights on ships, aircraft, and spacecraft are navigation lights, also known as sidelights. They help indicate the direction in which a vehicle is moving to other vehicles and observers. The red light is placed on the port (left) side, while the green light is on the starboard (right) side. This system aids in determining the direction of travel and helps prevent collisions, especially in low visibility conditions.

AC 12V-0-12V transformer