Pre – Line Design Considerations
There are certain basic requirements that have to be considered when designing overhead distribution power lines. These requirements fall within the broader National Standards and Guidelines (e.g. AS 7000). This blog has been put in place to facilitate the development of innovative project designs that will aim at:
(a) Reduced cost to customers;
(b) Reduced Life Cycle ( Maintenance) costs;
(c) Greater durability with due consideration to location in a cyclonic areas;
(d) Safety of workers and the General Public;
(e) Environmental Compatibility;
(f) Electromagnetic Field Compatibility;
(g) Favorable public acceptance ( aesthetics); and
(h) Increased network safety and reliability
When the requirement for a line has been established, the following factors need to be considered before the design can commence. They are:
a) Potential number of Customers and total load;
b) Estimation of potential load growth;
c) Availability/ and or requirement for interconnections;
d) Selection of Voltage for line operation;
e) Size and location of loads (Bulk supply, transformers)
f) Selection of Route
g) Length of line
h) Life Cycle costs