Monday 17 August 2020

Unity Power Factor

Unity Power Factor = 1. When the Power Factor of electrical loads is Unity or One, it means there are no reactive component in the Load like pure resistance in Incandescent Bulbs, Electric Stoves, Flat Iron, etc.

When the loads are inductive like Fluorescent Lights with Ballasts, Induction Electric Motors, etc., the Power Factor is less than Unity which may be in the range of 0+ to 0.9999+. This range of Power Factor is the Cosine of the Angle between the True Power WATTs and Active Power VA in the Power Triangle. The opposite side to the Angle represent the Reactive Load in VAR. The longer this side of VAR the poorer is the Power Factor as it approaches a Power Factor of 0+ which means the Active Power WATTs is being minimized to ZERO and no Energy or KWH is registered by the electric meter which is the basis of the Power Company to bill the consumer.

When the Power Factor of the Electric System is Unity, it means a very efficient Power Generation and Distribution System, however it is rarely achievable and nearly impossible. 

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