Thursday, 27 February 2025

Understanding Logic Gates: Theory and Practical Implementation

This is a logic circuit with an associated truth table.
1. Inputs (A, B, C): These are binary inputs that can be either 0 (low) or 1 (high).
2. Logic Gate (Greater than 1): 
   - This gate checks if the sum of inputs A, B, and C is greater than 1.
3. Output (Y): The output will be 1 if the condition of the logic gate is satisfied (i.e., if more than one input is high).

Truth Table:
- The truth table shows all possible combinations of the inputs and the corresponding output:
  - When A, B, and C are all 0, Y is 0.
  - When one of A, B, or C is 1, Y is still 0.
  - When two inputs are high (e.g., A=1, B=1, C=0), Y becomes 1.
  - When all inputs are high (A=1, B=1, C=1), Y is also 1.

The below image depicts a physical circuit on a breadboard involving logic gates.
1. AND Gate: 
   - This gate outputs 1 only when all its inputs are 1.
2. OR Gate: 
   - This gate outputs 1 if at least one of its inputs is 1.
3. Buttons (A, B, C): 
   - These buttons serve as the inputs for the logic gates. When pressed, they provide a high (1) signal.

- Users can press buttons A, B, and C to control the input to the gates.
- The output from the AND and OR gates will change based on the combination of the inputs, demonstrating how the logic gates operate in real-time.

Both images illustrate fundamental concepts in digital logic design. The first image explains a logic condition with a truth table, while the second shows a practical implementation of logic gates on a breadboard, allowing users to interact with the circuit and observe the outputs based on different input combinations.

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