Saturday 24 June 2023

World's largest electric grid

The world's largest electric grid is the **North American Interconnection** (NAI), which spans the contiguous United States, Canada, and parts of Mexico. It is a vast network of power lines, substations, and other equipment that delivers electricity to over 400 million people. The NAI is operated by a number of different organizations, but it is essentially one large interconnected system.
The NAI is the largest in terms of both geographic coverage and total generating capacity. It has a peak load of over 1.2 trillion watts, which is more than the combined peak loads of the next four largest grids. The NAI is also one of the most reliable grids in the world, with a very low average outage rate.
Other large electric grids include:

* The Continental European Grid (ENTSO-E)
* The Eastern Interconnection (EI)
* The Western Interconnection (WI)
* The South American Power System Interconnection (SIP)
* The Indian Inter-State Power Grid (IIP)
These grids are all interconnected to some extent, which allows electricity to flow between different countries and regions. This helps to ensure that there is always enough electricity to meet demand, even during times of peak load.

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