Thursday 21 March 2024

What is the principle of the operation of fibre optics?

100% internal reflection of light in a guided wave “tube” of glass fiber has low loss for long distances.

Sunday 17 March 2024

How the Ames room tricks our brain

The Ames room is a distorted room that creates an optical illusion, making objects and people within it appear to change in size and shape. It is named after its creator, American ophthalmologist Adelbert Ames Jr. 
The room is designed in a trapezoidal shape, with one corner closer to the viewer and the opposite corner farther away. This creates a forced perspective illusion, where objects or people standing in certain positions appear much larger or smaller than they actually are. The Ames room is a fascinating example of how our visual perception can be manipulated through clever design and perspective tricks.

Some more information about the Ames room:

1. Illusion of Size and Shape: The Ames room creates an illusion of dramatic size and shape differences. When viewed from a specific vantage point, two people standing in the room may appear to be drastically different in size, with one seeming much larger or smaller than the other.

2. Forced Perspective: The illusion is achieved through the clever use of forced perspective. The room is constructed with a trapezoidal shape, where the ceiling and floor are slanted, and the walls converge to a single point. This tricks the viewer's perception, making objects or people in certain positions appear distorted.

3. Viewing Angle: To experience the illusion properly, the observer needs to stand in a specific viewing position that aligns with the optical trickery. From this particular angle, the distorted proportions become apparent.

4. Popular Demonstrations: The Ames room is often used as a demonstration in psychology, perception, and optical illusion exhibits. It captivates viewers and challenges their understanding of visual perception.

5. Film and Entertainment: The Ames room illusion has also been utilized in film productions and entertainment, creating visually striking effects. It has appeared in movies, TV shows, and even music videos.

6. Variations and Adaptations: Over time, variations of the Ames room have been developed, including modified shapes, sizes, and different objects or subjects placed within them to enhance the illusion.

The Ames room is a captivating example of how our brains interpret visual information and can be easily fooled by clever design techniques. It continues to fascinate and intrigue both researchers and the general public alike.

Watch this video:

Saturday 16 March 2024

Eight things the world must do to avoid the worst of climate change

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published the “synthesis report” of its sixth assessment report (AR6) on Monday. Eight years in preparation, this mammoth report encompasses the entire range of human knowledge of the climate system, compiled by hundreds of scientists from thousands of academic papers, and published in four parts, in August 2021, February and April 2022, and March 2023.

The report drew together the most important findings – but also highlighted some key measures that governments and countries must take immediately if we are to avoid climate catastrophe:

Reduce methane

Sharp cuts to short-lived climate pollutants, methane chief among them, could cut more than half a degree from global heating. Produced from oil and gas operations and coalmines, and from animal husbandry and natural sources – such as decaying vegetation – methane is a greenhouse gas about 80 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. But it lasts only for about 20 years before degrading into CO2.

Durwood Zaelke, a peer review scientist for the IPCC’s AR6 report, and founder of the Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development in the US, says cutting it is “the best way to slow near-term warming – indeed the only way we know of, short of [geoengineering through] solar radiation management, carbon dioxide removal and methane removal, all of which are still speculative”.

Cutting it should be easy: the International Energy Agency found that plugging the leaks from fossil fuel operations was not only low-cost but in most cases actively profitable. Butmany of these operations are in countries with little interest in climate action – Russia is the worst offender, but even in the US, action has been feeble – and despite the Methane Pledge signed by close to 100 countries since 2021, methane emissions continue to rise strongly. The Guardian recently revealed 1,000 super-emitting methane leaks.

Friday 15 March 2024

Benefits of boiled eggs

Benefits of boiled eggs ❤️

1. Considered a complete food: Boiled eggs are considered a complete food as they contain a good balance of proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals necessary for a healthy diet.

2. Improved brain health: Consuming eggs can improve brain function due to their high content of choline, which helps reduce brain inflammation, particularly inflammation associated with Alzheimer's disease.

3. Prevention of anemia: Boiled eggs are a good source of iron, which helps prevent anemia and promotes the production of healthy red blood cells.

4. Stronger bones: Eggs are rich in calcium, which plays a crucial role in strengthening and fortifying bone tissues. They can help address bone thinning and weakness issues.

5. Enhanced skin health: Boiled eggs contain high levels of antioxidants, which help neutralize free radicals in the body. This aids in maintaining healthy skin and achieving a radiant, youthful complexion.

6. Muscle building: Boiled eggs are a good source of protein, making them a valuable food for muscle building and repair. They are highly nutritious and satiating.

7. Cholesterol regulation: Boiled eggs provide both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, known as good fats. They can contribute to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

8. Improved vision: Egg whites contain lutein, a highly beneficial substance for preventing macular degeneration and reducing the risk of developing cataracts.

9. Weight loss: Consuming an egg for breakfast helps individuals feel fuller for longer periods, reducing overall food intake throughout the day. This can lead to a noticeable decrease in body mass and waist circumference.

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